Monday, August 8, 2011

P.S. I am Sorry

It seems easy when I think about it. But when I try to do it, stress is all I got. I don’t know why, but this kind of situations make me uncomfortable. Everyone sees it as the best chance for me. Well, if it is, I will be happy with all the obstacles. Now, what happened? I freak out every time it started and ended.

I am truly grateful with my life. I have great family that always send their love and pray. They support me in everything. I am blessed, that anywhere I go, I always find wonderful friends. People who will understand and calm me when I am stupid. But I become a fool to many times nowadays. And that’s not good for me and for other. People will get bored to hear all of my problems. I am not a drama queen.

My life is perfect with him by my side. He makes me realize that I am not alone anymore. He makes everything easy for me. He holds my hand when I am afraid. He saves me from my worries.

I love them all; I want to give them my best love. But it is hard to do when I am not happy, when I am so not enjoy the moment, when I am always desperate to reach something that frighten me. I feel exhausted even when I sleep. I am crying while I am laughing. I search for happiness by eating something I don’t even want it. I close my mind just to wish that today is going to be over soon.

Can I make people around me happy while I feel so upset? I hate myself for being a loser. I blame myself as I give up easily. But my dreams are bigger than this. My potentials are brighter than just this person who sighing every time the phone ring. I can fly higher than those luxurious life style. I want to work harder than anyone else with smile on my face. I need to be proud of myself as I finished all my challenges of the day, go to sleep and be ready to face more the next day. I need to love myself more than anything.

~If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals~


Derajat Celcius said...

Whichever path you choose I'm sure you have had a deep thoughts on it. There will always be an after math to any decision in life, it will depend on how you can handle it. Good luck my dear

ulanrouge said...

I just follow my heart and asking myself.. is it worth for me? for my happiness and my highest potential.. I need more than just this...

Sangkyu Uni Sesegukan... It is always nice to share things with you...